- When removed from their families, the children were prepared for “a better life”, how is that true or false when considering different perspectives?
That statement is false, due to when the children were catch aggressively by the white man they did not want to go away from their mom and grandma. For them the better life was to live close to their aboriginal family, they did not know anything what was happening though.
The protector of Western Australian Aborigines Mr. Neville sent to one of his men to removed them from their families because they were half- castes, and those aboriginal people represented a treat for the community, so they had to leave their families to go to the camp, where was managed by some nuns, and children were educated but many of them were almost the same age. Those three girls did not feel protected there; they felt that the better place to live was going back to their town Jigalong. Additionally when the three girls were staying at the camp, the oldest figured out that the main reason that they were there was because until certain age they would be taught to be servants and slaves for the white people from Australia. After that she decided to go back to her mom carrying the other two with her. They walked a lot of miles away evading an aboriginal man that was sent to catch them, but at the end one of the girls was recaptured and the other two could finally find their family following the fence as a reference to go back home.
This film was made on 2002 based on a true story during 1930s but only in 2008 the government of Australia decided to offer lots of apologies to the community. "We apologize for the laws and policies of successive parliaments and governments that have inflicted profound grief, suffering and loss on these our fellow Australians," the Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said. Source BBC news 2008.
Although many of the aboriginals said that those apologies must accompany with compensation plans for all of the victims and also they ask for recognition and inclusion to the community, solving some differences between whites and blacks.
I strongly believe that this issue concerns nothing more than racist policies created by the Australian government that with those facts has discriminated these Aboriginal people from the community that only after more that five decades the government is being aware of the damaged occasioned to them.
US Professor of human rights law James Anaya says that ‘Medical staff and social workers were also deployed as part of the intervention, in an attempt to combat violence and the rampant abuse of children in some Aboriginal communities’. Source BBC News August, 27th 2009.
RAP Reconciliation Action Plans in Australia
RAP is a program implemented for many organizations in Australia to make inclusion of Indigenous people that were affected by the issue of Aborigines Discrimination.
It helps to give a format to organizations that implement it for exploring how reconciliation can advance and improve their business. Also, this program makes awareness on those people that adapt it committing them to contribute in the aim of the indigenous people. The program also includes a creative blend of relationships, respect to others no matter being indigenous or not and opportunities as well.
RAP provides an organization a framework for the future. As we saw in the class, presented by some classmates exposed a case ANZ Banking Group. This Banking group adopted RAP that was introduced in 2007.
The main objectives are:
- Employment
- Cultural recognition (make part of the society)
- Construction of capabilities (in order to help aborigines)
- Inclusion and financial education
- The inclusion and active participation of Indigenous communities to work.
- Economic interest and intellectual management.
- Baird, Kevin. 2007. The culture of Australian organizations and its relation with strategy. “International Journal Of Business Studies, 15(1).
- BBC NEWS http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/7241965.stm
- Reconciliation Australia: http://www.reconciliation.org.au/home/reconciliation-action-plans/what-is-a-rap
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