martes, 27 de abril de 2010



Nowadays South Africa is characterized by the existence of cultural diversity among its population due to this we can ask ourselves about ¿is it possible that employee diversity affect management at the workplace?. This question was developed in the text by Adèle Thomas and Mike Bendixen.

At first they explained that South Africa changed to be an economy really controlled by white English people to be controlled since 1998 by black consortia. This change modify the way of management in the South Asian companies due to they became to make inclusions of people from the multiplicity of ethnic groups in the country.

They concluded that management in South Africa has exactly the same way as British and American systems. According to the text, Ethnicity is defined as the distinction between groups of people based on their race, religion and language (Usunier, 1996), thus they figured out that each organization no matter if there is cultural diversity among employees, it has to set some rules in order to take control over the situation, adopting this as kind of organizational culture that involves everybody.

Finally they concluded that this study suggest ‘employee diversity at the workplace should not adversely affect management performance’.

1. What is Ubuntu? How was it applied to support the merging process of the two companies? (3 examples)


Ubuntu is important in order to understand the culture, values, norms, and beliefs held by the largest segment of the population, the Africans. ‘Ubuntu can give competitive advantage to companies that incorporate its principles and practices’ Mangaliso, Mzamo. 2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu.

According to the African Bank Miners Credit – Case Study it say the Ubuntu’s definition ‘Ubuntu is premised on the philosophy that one finds one’s own humanity in helping others to find theirs’.

¿How can you use Ubuntu at the workplace?

  • Preeminence of the collective: That means there is a huge importance to the extended family added to the clan and the village.

  • Kinship ties: they promote their relatives to trust them, in order to create a committed and harmonized environment.

  • Legitimacy of authority: it means treating others as members of your family.

  • Language: they worth silence, listening to the context are really important in order to establish relationships.

  • Ubuntu ceremonies: those are quite important; they like to sponsor events to promote the group for example.

  • Interaction: it is value by workers of the company.

  • Faith: Christianity it is the dominant faith; and Isangoma it is the mediator to the creator.

  • Honesty: this shows a positive impact on the entire company.

  • Decision making: it is a circular process where people are entire to participate. Consensus process is very valued.

  • Time: each member of ethnic group has different conception about time.

  • Productivity and efficiency: there are two concepts:
    1. Optimize: it is better than maximize. It is to think about what it would happen in the future.
    2. Maximize: the way to use something as fast as you can.

  • Change: it occurs when employees feel part of the company as a family.

  • Age and seniority: promotional policies and some benefits according to the age.

For African employees, the in person communication is an important feature in order to solve problems. Attending to someone in person is an indication that you respect and care for them.

‘Ubuntu can be defined as humaneness, a pervasive spirit of caring and community, harmony and hospitality, respect and responsiveness, that individuals and groups display for one another’ Mangaliso, Mzamo. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu.

Ubuntu philosophy was used as part of the organizational culture for both companies according to the case irrespective of which ethnic group they belonged to.

  • Tom Miles who leaded the idea to achieve Investors in People (IIP) recognition said that they adopted the Ubuntu philosophy to serve as the foundation for their ongoing commitment creating a working environment that is beneficial to the company and the employee.

  • Drums: African Miners Credit has used drums as part of Ubuntu philosophy every employee has been given a drum; they were unified by moving to the same rhythm, it is like a symbol of communication and loyalty.

  • Ubuntu booklets: in order to change management processes and the achievement of the IIP standard at African Miners Credit. Every employee was given one of the company’s booklets which explain the ubuntu culture and the contribution of employees towards the succeed campaign.

  • The tale of the bird and the badger was used to explain the concept of growth as a representation of the commitment of working together.

  • The elephant: that symbolized the employees’ commitment in the workplace as huge as an elephant can be. ‘Employees were told that just like the elephant, everyone has potential, and through training and hard work…’


See the next video that shows the promotional work and commitment to adopt Ubuntu philosophy on future business to achieve success:
Ubuntu: South Africa 2010


- Mangaliso, Mzamo. 2003. Building competitive advantage from Ubuntu. In Thomas, David Clinton, editor, Readings and cases in International Management: A cross-cultural perspective.
- African Bank Miners Credit – Case Study
-Thomas, Adèle & Mike. Bendixen. 2000. The Management Implications of Ethnicity in South Africa. Journal of International Business Studies, 31(3): 507-31.

lunes, 19 de abril de 2010


  • Afghanistan
  • Pakistan
  • India
  • Maldives
  • Sri Lanka
  • Nepal
  • Bangladesh
  • Bhutan


  • With a population of some 1.4 billion, South Asia is home to half the world´s poverty.

  • The region has often faced conflicts and political instability, such as the conflict between Pakistan and India.

  • This region has been distinguished by its achievements in the fields of education; industry; health care; information technology and services; international trade; business enterprises; and outsourcing services.

  • Even though, South Asia faces some issues that difficult the total harmony and development of the area; religious extremism, high levels of corruption, disagreements on political boundaries, and inequitable distribution of wealth.

  • The most spoken language is Hindi. Nowadays with the globalization, English has been dominated certain areas from South Asia such as India, especially as a medium of advanced education.

  • The most dominant religions in South Asia are Hinduism, Buddhism and followers of Islam. website

According to the previous table we can notice that India has the largest amount of population between members of South Asia adding to this India had the highest rate of GDP by 2009 of $1.243 billion, it means India has been growing really fast in the last two decades that represents an important development for the region. India’s current economic growth is approximately 7% annually. Also it is considered one of the most attractive markets for outsourcing in products and services from other countries.


  • India promises itself to be the world-wide power in 2025

  • Indian economy is closely joined to western economies (acquisitions and a variety of franchises).

  • There is a friendly relationship between the government and the overseas companies that improve the political stability.

  • A large population can speak English and the labor force is really cheap.

  • It is considered the global powerhouse of generic drugs because India has achieved a great progress in science, technology and a range of manufactured medicines.

  • Urban and rural areas in India have been growing faster than before due to the skilled workers becoming one of the richest states with high levels of income.

  • India with the aim of The World Bank for providing credits to SMEs (Small and Medium enterprises) has promised an economic growth and job creation.

  • India has been facing the growth of cities and towns creating adequate infrastructure in order to improve transport, communications, and water and to use more efficiently the land.


Caste: is a closed group whose members are restricted in their choice of occupation and degree of social participation. Marriage outside the caste is prohibited. Social status is determined by the caste of one's birth and may only rarely be transcended.
Nowadays the caste system continues to be influential in organizations due to the choice in the charge that you can get or even the social status in the society is determined by caste system.


  • BRAHMANS: the priestly and learned class
  • KSHATRIYAS: the warriors and rulers
  • VAISYAS: farmers and merchants
  • SUDRAS: peasants and laborers

These divisions refer to the undifferentiated social classes. It is hierarchically organized; those are rigidly differentiated by rituals and beliefs.


  • IT (Information Technology) outsourcing
  • R&D
  • Biotechnology
  • Design
  • Development centers of software
  • Knowledge-based products and services
  • Manufacturing


International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (IJICBM), it is a journal that covers details about new developments in Indian culture and their implications on business.

It is a forum tool mainly for foreign people that want to update every day about Indian market in terms of opportunity and threats in order to get an exchange of new developments in Indian business environment, and the implications of culture and political landscape on business enterprise.
For more information visit the website where you can find more details about it:

Case study analysis: “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.”
Vijaya, T.G., D`Netto, Brian and España, Juan. 2007. “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.” The Management Case Study Journal 7 (2): 41-51.


1. What do you think are the reasons behind the fast-growth outsourcing industry in India?
Reasons behind the fast-growth outsourcing industry in India:
According to the case “HR Challenges at Computer Age Management Services (P) Ltd.” The Management Case Study Journal 7 (2): 41-51.

The author says in the abstract that: ‘India is one of the significant players in the global outsourcing industry, especially in the area of software development’.

  • India has been recognized by the last years, and has one of the most qualified labor force additionally it is really cheap.
  • Indian workers become from simple tasks to those that imply increased complexity processes.

  • One of the most important aspects and make India be an attractive destiny to contract by outsourcing is the fact that large population can speak English.

  • Since 1991 India has transformed it into one of the fastest growing economies around the world ‘Over the past decade the outsourcing industry in India has grown rapidly’.

  • 'Most Indian employees in the Business Process Outsourcing industry are college educated, ambitious 20-somethings who are lured to the job by attractive starting salaries (Fittipaldi, 2004)’.
